Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Part 3

We made it to Aunt Eileen and Uncle Scott’s ranch. Uncle Scott was a well-to-do Scotsman, and he indulged my Aunt’s every whim.

Do you still wear that vanilla scent that I remember?” Eileen asked.

I do. Just didn’t wear any on the plane,” I replied. We had pulled up near the house and you could see the stable and paddocks from there. I got out of the Land Rover and could feel wind on my back.

Aunt Eileen said, “Watch this. Go ahead and put some on.”

I followed my Aunt’s instructions and she pointed to the closest paddock. There was Joe in all his horse glory. Grazing. I walked slowly as my Aunt started video taping on her phone hoping for a viral video.

The wind was blowing my scent towards Joe,when all of a sudden he caught the light vanilla smell. His head came up sharply, his eyes searching his immediate surroundings. His tail shot up and he started whinnying. Then he saw me. Joe took off at a canter straight towards me as I opened his gate. His soft neighing turned into excited trumpeting. He stopped short of knocking me over. I stood there hugging him. His head was over my shoulder trying to hug me horse style.

Ah, Joe, my big fellow. I’ve missed you,” I cooed. I looked at my Aunt and asked, “May I go for a short ride?”

Sure. Just follow that trail. It leads to the ocean and a small spit of shoreline. Be careful and don’t be gone too long. It gets dark fast.”

OK,” I said as, I climbed the fence to get up onto Joe. No bridle or saddle. Joe was the best either way. I took off with my Aunt’s admonishments a faint distant sound.

A man came up behind Eileen and asked, “Did you tell her he’s been off his feed?” He slipped his arms around her and hugged her.

No,” Eileen said, “She’s very observant. I am sure she noticed his weight.” She turned to face the man and continued, “Thank you Scott for letting her come.”

Of course Sweetheart. She’s my niece too. It’s going to be great having her around,” her husband said. “Come on. Let’s go see what we can do about dinner. I am sure she will be famished when she gets back.” Together they walked to the house.

Aileen rode Joe along the narrow trail. How beautiful it is here, I thought. Green. Magical. It brought up visions of fairies and pixies. Knights in shining armor upon their large destriers.

I finally reached the small shore, and stopped Joe to take in the majesty of this part of the world, and to listen to the water lapping at the shore.

Hey Joe, how ‘bout we dance,” I asked, as I rubbed Joe’s shoulder and neck. The big animal started trotting in place, swaying back and forth. Confidant in myself and Joe, I lifted my arms straight out to my sides, swaying in rhythm. After a few minutes I slid off his back landing with ease in the sand.

Joe, you are so tall,” I said, “it’s a long way down.”

I walked to the water’s edge and ran my hand in the water, amazed again at how magical it was here. The beaches in L.A. were more iconic, with skinny, beautiful, rich people and surfers.

The wind picked up, blowing harder, when all of a sudden she thought she could hear a flute. I stood up and looked all around, scanning the hills, cliffs, and beach. I then noticed an old lighthouse. The sound was strongest coming from that direction. I could actually feel the faint sound causing me to sway and move to the feelings it elicited. My body shifted and dipped. As lightly as it started, the music faded away leaving me slightly bereft.

Joe,” I said, looking up at the sky, “We’d better get going.”

Aileen found a large stone to climb back up on Joe, and they both started back up the trail. I turned one last time thinking maybe I’d see a leprechaun or something. Oh well.

About an hour later I had Joe in his stall and left him munching his feed happily. I could tell he had been off his feed, being so thin. My Aunt thought she was so sneaky, Aileen smiled to herself. I knew. She knew. I came in the back door to wonder smells. Uncle Scott could really cook.

Uncle Scott, that really smells wonderful!”

Just some simple fare tonight.”

I grabbed a plate and dished up some food and sat at the table. “Do you guys ever hear like flute music or something like that? I swear I heard some down by the water, but chalked it up to the whole mystical Scotland thing. You know, fairies. Pixies. Knight in shining armor.”

Eileen and Scott looked at each other and said, “No, but I really don’t pay attention when I am with the horses,” said Aunt Eileen. And Uncle Scott agreed saying he didn't hear anything on his walks.

Oh. OK,” I said, as I took my plate and washed it off. “Goodnight My Aunt,” I said giving her a kiss. “I’ll see you in the morning. Goodnight Uncle Scott.”

Goodnight Darling.”

Goodnight,” her Uncle Scott said.

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