Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Part 11

I walked into his home. Invited this time, I chuckled inside to myself, as I remembered the last time I was here, hanging out the window by my foot. Mental note ... buy an Abs Master. 

Bending at the waist, with no ulterior motive in mind, short of sitting on the floor, I untied my boots, took them off and set them just inside the door. “Oh my goodness. This stone floor is cold,” I said, feeling the cold through my socks and walked quickly over to the fireplace.

That was the view he saw. Most magnificent. Had him tongue tied for a sec. 

Clearing his throat, Vince managed to say, “Hang on my fairy pixey, I will get this fire restarted.”

As I watched Vince work on the fire, admiring the naked view of the backs of his legs as he bent to throw a log on the fire, I sat down on the couch drawing my feet up off the cold floor. Because inquiring minds wanted to know, I asked, “Vince, how come you call me your ‘fairy pixey’?”

Vince turned to her making his way over to the couch. He sat down, gathering her feet in his lap, replied, “That was the first thing that popped into my head when I first saw you from the lighthouse. You were down on the beach dancing with Joe. Your short, white blonde hair with the purple and green tips, reminded me of Scottish Thistle."

“Mmmm. I like that.” I moaned, as he lightly massaged them. “Vincent, that feels so good. My feet are stuck in boots all day long.” Sighing some more I managed to say, “With an occasional pony stomping on them.”

Sitting up straight, I blurted, “Oh ya! Speaking of which, do you know who owns that pony I saw the other day?” 

“I dinnae ken. It shows up once in awhile and grazes it’s way across my yard. Just can’t get close enough to pet it," he said still rubbing my feet.

“Well then, my fixing up that lean-to outside will help during bad weather if the pony gets stuck here. Or if I need a place to put Joe.” 

“You didn’t even ask permission,” Vince admonished. The sound of boards slapping together still made him cringe.

“I rarely ask, as you found out with my hanging upside down out your bathroom window,” I said, looking at him with eyes sparkling with mischief.

“Oh, so you think you will be here that often?” Vince replied, his eyebrows raised in question, as his hands started a path up my legs, caressing my calves.

“Well,” I said, as I started to stand up, “I can go ahead and go now," not sure if I was reading him right.

He grabbed my hand and yanked lightly till I was sitting in his lap. “No, my fairy pixey. I caught you fair and square with my music,” he said. 

Vince didn’t smile much, but the soft possessiveness of his eyes melted my insides and kept me there with invisible bonds.

“You did. I knew when the music changed. At first it seemed sad. Melancholy. Then it changed. More romantic, almost happy.” I shifted position so that I was as close as I could get to his torso, giving myself access to his warm lips and his mesmerizing deep blue eyes.

“I was playing what I felt,” He said, as he rubbed his hands up and down her back, slowly, kissing her sporadically. “I thought you were a mirage at first. An actual fairy or pixey. The words 'fairy pixey' ran together and that is what you became to me in my mind.” He emphasized his soft words with tiny kisses to my fingertips, as he brought my hands to his lips.

He set my hands on his shoulders and ran his hands up under my sweater, running his fingers along the waistband of my pants. I could feel the callouses on his fingertips, yet his hands were warm. Gentle and slow. My hands roamed the back of his neck, tangling in his hair where is curled along the back of his neck. I lightly scratched my fingernails right at the nape of his neck eliciting a shiver. I looked into his eyes and if someone could growl in ecstasy without making a sound, it showed in his eyes. I could feel it making me squirm.I looked back up into his blue eyes and saw his knowing smile. I cupped his cheeks and leaned in to kiss his lips, moving to nibble his earlobe eliciting a moan from him.

Vince wanted her. But she was his fairy pixey and he would treat her with all the reverence he could muster. He slowly caressed her while enjoying her tiny soft kisses on his lips and cheeks. The earlobe thing though just about put him over the edge. His hands found the closure to her pants and unbuttoned them, slowly lowering the zipper. He then took the hem of her sweater in both hands and pulled it off. Now he was face to face with the next treasure. Time to pillage.

“Oh Vince,” I said breathlessly, “That feels so good. I feel like you are playing me as lovingly as your violin.” My head fell back as he worked his way to the twins.

“Och Lassie, you’re the only one ever to notice.” Vince unclasped her bra and looked in wonder at the beautiful sight before him. “I bet you could ride me as well as Joe.”

“Well we won’t find out here on the couch,” I whispered. I got up and headed to the bed. It was so tall. I wasn’t sure I could climb up so I took off the rest of my clothes except for my panties.

Vince in the meantime had everything off but his kilt which, I think, he left on to ease my tender sensibilities. “Think you could toss me up?” I asked, “not sure I could climb up.” Vince lifted me up with him following me. “I’m gonna have to get me a step stool,” I laughed.

“Ah, I’m already being replaced,” He said dramatically falling back with his hand over his heart.

“Ha Ha,” I said, “Never.” I paused with a wicked look in my eye and said, “Never the stool, but this bed is gonna give you a run for your money!”

Vince took off his kilt, leaned over me, pressing his warm body to mine. In between kisses he whispered, “Money well spent.”

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