Friday, June 15, 2018

Part 9

Good morning Aunt Eileen,” I said cheerfully.

“Good morning sweetheart,” she replied. “What are you up to today?”

Munching on some toast, I said, “I was hoping to borrow the Rover and some old lumber I saw out by the stable.”

“How come?”

“There is a lean-to on the neighbor’s property and I thought to fix it up a bit. There’s a loose pony over there and I thought it would be good for it to have a place to go to if needed, and Joe too, since they have become friends.”

“I’m sure Uncle Scott would be OK with that.”

“Sweet. I am going to load up the Rover, drive over and drop off the stuff, and then I’ll bring back the Rover.”

“OK Hun.”

I drove over to the neighbor’s house and unloaded the lumber. I was making noise, but didn’t think anything of it. Unloaded, I drove back to the ranch, dropped off the car and grabbed Joe and rode back.

The planks slapped together when she dropped them off, scaring the shit outta him. He fell off the couch. “What the fuck?!” He exclaimed, as he got up off the floor. Weaving on his feet he wobbled to the door and opened it, looking outside, and not seeing anyone there he shut the door and went back inside.

Maybe a hot shower might make him feel better. He was done and drying off when he heard hammering. And talking!

“Joe,” he heard, “What do you think so far? Do you think the pony will like it?” And if that didn’t beat all, the horse answered back with a whinny! He gave himself a face palm. Good God. What did he do to deserve all this disruption in his life?

By the time he was done getting dressed, he was feeling a bit arrogant and rebellious, and thought that by putting on his sport kilt, thick socks, boots, a white t-shirt and a black button up shirt, which he left open, he accomplished that. Trying to look intimidating, he opened the door and walked out and around the side of the house. She was gone. Took the wind right out of his sails. Good riddance he snorted, and walked down to the studio.

“Whew,” I said to myself from the other side of the house I had snuck to. I had my hand on Joe’s muzzle to help keep him quiet. I wasn’t ready to see him yet today. I got on Joe and rode home on the regular roads. I put Joe in his paddock for now and went in search of my Auntie.

“Hey Aunt Eileen,” I said giving her a hug.

“Sweetheart, what are you up to?”

“Just came to see what was left to do.”

“The three boarder stalls need mucking. They’ve been fed.”

“Okie Dokie,” I said, as I walked off to get started.

A couple hours later I was showered and dressed. A nice sweater, a nice pair of black riding pants, tucked into fluffy socks and a pair of short boots. With a quick spray of my signature scent, I set out, following the path to his house, hoping to spend some time at his studio. Maybe try to clear up any confusion or animosity.

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