Monday, June 25, 2018

Part 14

Vince woke slowly, stretching, from his fingertips above his head to his tip toes. The smile on his face may just be permanent as he realized she really was his fairy pixey. She was magical to him. That this was the longest he has slept nightmare free was a testament to that. 

He reached out only to find emptiness. Propping himself up he took a look around to find that she was gone. Deep down he knew she would be, but kinda hoped she’d still be there. Looking at his watch, he saw it was around noon. That was unusually long for him to sleep. Well, he wasn’t getting anything done laying around. Aileen was usually done with her chores around four. About an hour later he was showered, dressed, and down in his studio.

Aileen spent some extra time trying to make it up to Joe for her tardiness.

“Ah Joe, wait till you meet him,” I said excitedly, as I continued to brush his shiny, dark bay coat. “You’ll love him as much as I do.”  I set down the brush and grabbed a hoof pick. Bending over, I picked up a hoof and dug out a day's worth of dirt and manure. "He is so handsome. His blue eyes about make me swoon. It is a good thing he has strong arms or I would just big a big puddle of jittery female on the floor. I finished Joe's hooves and stretched my back, stiff from being bent over.

Joe just snorted and kept eating his oats.

“Joe, don’t be too mad. I really didn’t mean to be so late,” I cajoled, as I patted him on the shoulder. Joe turned to me and bumped my shoulder in acquiescence. I gave him one last pat and moved on to the next stall.

I was about done mucking the next stall when I heard footsteps. It was my Aunt.

“Good morning my Darling,” Aunt Eileen said cheerfully as she handed me a cup of coffee.

I wiped my hands off as best I could, took the proffered cup and replied, “Oh thank you Aunt Eileen!” I took a sip and continued, “Good morning to you too.”

“And did you have a good night last night,” She asked cagily.

“Aunt Eileen, I’m sorry I didn’t call,” I said contritely.

“It’s alright sweetheart. I kind of figured that is where you were. So tell me is he a nice man?”

“He was everything and more. He was kind. A gentleman. In one night he erased all the bad in my life.”

Eileen thought she might have to do something extra nice for her neighbor.

“Oh, wait till you meet him. I know you’ll love him. He is a bit quiet. He is older than I am, but I don’t think that is a bad thing. Maybe that is part of why I like him so much. He is more mature than anyone I have been with in the past.”

Eileen loved the look of happiness on her niece’s face. She always tried to hide her problems. To not be a burden. She is a lot like me, Eileen thought with a smile.

Aileen got all her chores done. As she was putting Joe in his paddock she said to him, “Please don’t be mad. Be good for Aunt Eileen. It is important to me Joe. I may be gone overnight again, but I am playing it by ear.” I gave Joe a hug and a treat and went into the house to shower and get cleaned up.

No longer smelling like Joe and more like a baked cookie, with her vanilla scent, I managed to find some semblance of feminine clothing. Leggings, a long sleeve shirt, and a soft flowery dress like shirt matched with her short boots and a stocking cap.

I came up behind my Aunt and gave her a hug. “I am going to take a walk and see if my Knight In Shining Armor is playing his pan pipes or if he is not home. I will call this time if I stay.”

Aunt Eileen hugged her back and said, “Be careful on your walk. If you are late I am going to send Joe after you in the morning.”

I slapped my forehead and exclaimed, “I left Joe out in the paddock. I’ll go put him up.”

“Honey, you go. I’ll take care of Joe. He likes being outside and not cooped up in his stall.”

“OK. Thank you. I’ll just go say goodbye and then be on my way.”

"OK sweetheart.”

I walked to Joe’s enclosure and climbed up on the bottom railing and draped my arms over the top one. “Ah, my best Joe. I am going over to Vince’s. You be good.” With that I fed him a carrot, leaving him munching happily.

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