Friday, July 6, 2018

Part 21

Man, I thought, this week has gone by so fast. What with all the training, cleaning, and mending. It was late in the day and I was on the Irish sport horse, doing a slow canter around the ring, really enjoying this horse. It was very smart and level headed. When I was finished, I brought the horse to a walk and made my way to the arena entrance. Dismounting, I gave the horse a good pat and walked him to the barn.

My Aunt found me in the barn, removing the tack from the horse as it stood in the cross ties.

“Aileen, Honey, do you think it’s clean enough?” She asked worriedly.

I straightened up from cleaning the last hoof and said, “Aunt Eileen, it’s as clean as it’s going to get. It’s so clean Joe could eat off the floor.”

My Aunt started laughing, “AH ha ha ha! I needed that.”

“So when do these owners and riders get here?”

“Tomorrow. I just want this place to be the place people want to bring their horses or kids to be trained. I would love to get into the leading industry magazines.”

“I will take a walk around the grounds with Joe and then I will be in.”

“OK sweetheart,” she said as she walked away.

I walked to Joe’s paddock and let him out then grabbed a wheelbarrow, rack, broom and shovel and started my walk around the ranch. Thank goodness the groundskeepers we hired did a great job. There really wasn’t much I needed to do.

“Joe, what do you think? Clean enough?”

Joe whinnied back with a yes by shaking of his head up and down.

“Great. Then let’s go put these tools away.” I got the tools into the shed and Joe and I made our way back to the house. Joe followed me to the kitchen door as I went in search of my Aunt. I found Uncle Scott instead.

“Hey Uncle Scott, smells good!”

“I felt we needed some rib sticking food. We have a big day tomorrow. Beef stew.”

“Mmm. My favorite. How long till it’s ready?”

“About an hour and a half.”

“Great. Will you let Aunt Eileen know I am going to the beach with Joe and I’ll be back for dinner?”

“Sure Aileen. Be careful.”

“I will.”

Finding Joe nibbling some greens by the kitchen door, I used some of the big stones close by to hop on Joe. Settling into the saddle, we made our way down to the beach. Once there, I sat back in the saddle to look out at the ocean. Secretly, I wished every day that I came out here, I would hear his pipes, but glad I didn’t cause I didn't want to be tempted to go running into his arms.

The wind picked up, blowing down from the lighthouse. I smiled as I heard the light, misty music. Tilting my head to show him I was listening, even though I couldn't go visit, I instead put Joe through a few steps to go with the music. It was kinda a surprise for Vince and it helped me with the dressage part I had been working on. So, setting Joe in motion, we faced the lighthouse, stopping so I could salute, then moved into a trot. From there we transitioned into a passage, then into a piaffe. We were dancing. I ended facing the lighthouse again, but this time I slid off Joe, turned to him and got him to bow, and I curtsied to Joe. And while Joe was still bowed, I climbed back up and we headed home.

Vince had played, putting all of his feelings into the song, his fairy pixey song. He had caught her fair and square. He had never seen that kind of dancing riding. He was sad when she left, but he knew now was not the time to bug her. He knew that she heard him and that was enough for now. Besides he had work to do.

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