Sunday, July 15, 2018

Part 30

Aileen walked over by the door and took off her boots then went over to the couch, sitting down, and curling her legs up under her, snuggling up against the arm of the couch.

Vincent came out of the kitchen and started a fire in the fireplace.

“Are you doing OK fairy pixey?”

“Yes,” she said softly.

“I have something else for you,” he said as he pulled out a pair of slippers. “Here try these on.”

“Vince, they are beautiful,” she said trying them on, “Wow, so soft! And so comfortable,” she continued as she got up and walked around the couch. They were a beautiful, medium tan color lined with sheepskin, and had all weather soles on the bottom.

“One of my old band mates raises sheep and one of their side businesses is making sheep related products.”

“Well tell them thank you,” she said as she leaned in for a kiss, kissing Vince, “Thank you. Thank you for everything.” Her smile faded. "I feel like you do so much for me and I don’t do things for you.”

Vince took her hand and looked intently into her eyes. “That’s not true,” Vince said, “you take care of my heart. I was waiting for the right time to say I love you, but as we found out, life is too short. My fairy pixey I love you,” he kissed her tenderly, “I think since the first time I saw you,” Vincent finished.

With tears in her eyes she said softly, “I was lost the moment I looked up into your eyes. I love you.” Aileen snuggled up closer to him, bestowing another kiss.

Vince reached into his pants pocket ,,,

I don’t think I can handle any more surprises, she thought.

Vincent opened the small jewelry box bearing a ring made for a fairy pixey, and asked, “My fairy pixey will you marry me?”

The ring had an amethyst in the middle, surrounded by emeralds and diamonds. She admired the ring as it found it’s permanent place on her ring finger. “Yes. Yes, my pied piper, I will marry you,” she said lovingly, as she took his face between her hands and kissed his wonderful soft lips sensuously and with all her heart.

They sat on the couch for a bit enjoying each other for a bit when Vince said, “I was going to go down to the studio and do some work. Would you like to come down with me or stay here and rest?”

“I would love to come down,” she said as she got up and slipped on her UGG boots and followed Vince outside.

“Here, take my hand,” Vince said, holding out his hand.

Aileen was going to say no, but she loved any reason to touch him. “You know the doctor said I could walk.”

“Short distances, but the ground around here is pretty uneven. I don’t want you falling and hurting your back.”

She just smiled up at him, letting him have the last word, as he led the way.

When they got inside the studio Vince said, “Here take my chair. It’ll be more comfortable. I’ll use the spare.”


Vince put on a pair of earphones and started fiddling with knobs and levers.

After a little bit Aileen tapped him on the shoulder. He looked at me with a 'what?!' look on his face. “What are you listening to?” she asked.

“Hang on. Almost done.” He mumbled continuing on with what he was doing.

She waited patiently.

“OK,” Vince said, finally looking up from the sound board. “Close your eyes. Here goes.”

Aileen closed her eyes and let the music flow over her. She could feel it, Bag pipes, then pan pipes. Flute. Drums. The violin and some other instruments she wasn’t sure of. But then the base melody came through and she lit up. “It’s my song?!”

“Yes. Do you like it? Is it too much? I could back out some stuff.”

Vince was so worried about what she thought. “No, no. It’s awesome!” she exclaimed. The first thing she thought of was doing a dressage routine to the music for either competition or entertainment. “I could use that with Joe, so long as you didn’t mind.” She got so excited. She missed riding. Aileen slowly started swaying sort of dancing carefully since she was on extremely limited exercise. No riding. Whatever, she thought, as she swayed out the door and whistled for Joe. “Joe!” she called out.

Vince was right behind her. “Oh no you don’t. Lassie, please no. I don’t want you to get hurt. Eileen would kill me if I let anything happen to you,” Vince pleaded worriedly.

Aileen put a hand on his arm and said, “I’ll be OK. Just watch.”

Vince saw the gleam in her eye as Joe trotted up to her and rubbed his head against her chest. She patted his forehead after his head rub. “Good boy Joe. Let’s dance a little.” Joe was a bit more attentive and started to gather himself. “Vince can you replay that loud enough that we can hear it here in front?”

Against his better judgment, he started it over again and went out to watch them.

Aileen was just swaying a bit, her arms up, then down. Joe started to sway side to side, picking up one front foot then the other. As she ballet danced around the yard, Joe followed her. She gave a small hand signal and he trotted in place. Then with his back legs still he would sort of step hop to the side to the right, left leg up. Then hop to the left, onto his left leg, the right leg up. Finally she stopped. Joe stopped, following suit. She turned and bowed slightly to Joe and he bowed to her. Then Aileen turned to face her pied piper and bowed to him. He bowed back. She smiled.

She walked up to Joe and took his head between her hands and said, “Wasn’t that a wonderful song Joe?” Aileen patted him on the shoulder and waved at Vince to follow her to the stable to give Joe his dinner “Mmm, I love holding your hand Sir,” she said looking up at Vince, batting her eyes, smiling.

“You know, I just don’t want you to get hurt,” Vince said, kissing her hand.

“I know Vincent and I appreciate it,” she said as she scooped some food into Joe’s bucket and tossed a flake of hay for him and the pony. “Good night Joe," she said, as they started back to the house.

Vince loved the tingle that shoots up his arm to his heart. He never thought he would feel this. That he would have this. He will forever be the keeper of the Fairy Pixey. At the front door Vince kissed her, his hands cupping her face. With a smile and looking deep into her eyes, giving her ‘the look’, Vince said, “Why don’t you go inside and get comfortable. You’ve been up a long time. I’m gonna go lock up.”

“Alright,” she smiled, swimming in ecstasy from ‘the look’ from her knight with a shiny flute. Aileen walked inside, took off my boots, and tested out the new rugs. They were nice. They definitely helped.

She wandered around looking in the drawers of the new furniture. The nightstand next to her side of the bed had three drawers and was as tall as the bed. Inside one of the drawers had some clothes. A little of everything. Maybe Aunt Eileen helped. She padded into the bathroom. A new toothbrush on the sink. Putting on a t-shirt and shorts and her new slippers, she went into the kitchen and started opening the containers that Uncle Scott packed.

Aileen heard the door open and close. “Vince,” she called out, “I’m in the kitchen.”

“Hey,” He said coming up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

“Are you hungry?” she asked. “I am making a plate of food,” she said as she put a variety of food items on the plate.

Vince whispered, “I have my snack right here,” as he nibbled my neck, his hands slipping under her shirt.

“Vince,” she chuckled, “I’m hungry.”

My pied piper stepped back, sensuously slipped his shirt off over his head. 

Her nipples stood at attention.

“Here ya gae,” he said, his accent gaining momentum, as he watched her nipples turn into little pebbles.

“Vince,” she, started to tease, as she leaned into kiss parts of his well muscled chest that she could reach. So warm, hard, and sexy. “So you want me to do this?” She flicked a male nipple with her tongue while watching his face, those incredible blues eyes were closed in ecstasy. “Then I could do this,” as she sucked on the other one.

“Oh my god,” he moaned, resting his chin on top of her head. “I love you my fairy pixey.”

“And I you my pied piper,” she said against his chest.

Vince grabbed a couple plates and some silverware and helped Aileen heat up some food. “OK, Babe, let’s get you fed. You need food to get better.”

“Thank you for helping,” she said.

“Go ahead and sit down. I’ll bring the food,” He said.

“Thank you.” Aileen sat on the couch and waited for Vince. Being engaged is certainly a new feeling. Her whole life was horses. The last relationship that she had was so toxic she didn’t date after that. She just put all my energies into horses. Then Aunt Eileen came along and insisted she move here. It was a godsend. Like Vincent said, a magical thing.

“Here we go. Here is a plate and napkin. Can you eat or do you need help?”

“Thanks, Babe. Let me try. If not I’ll have you help,” she said.

Between the two of them, they managed to eat.

“Och Lassie, Here is a glass of water,” he said on the way back from the kitchen, “so you can take your meds.”

“Awesome.” She took the glass and carried it to the nightstand where her meds were. Sorting out what she needed, she swallowed them. And with a trip to the bathroom she had her teeth brushed and needs taken care of. Now to climb that Mt Everest of a bed and cuddle with my man.

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