Monday, July 9, 2018

Part 25

Vince got to the hospital, sitting there in his car, somewhat afraid to get out. Most of the time he wasn’t stopped by some older fan who remembered, so hopefully he would be given the courtesy of anonymity. Sighing heavily, he slipped on a stocking cap, got out of the car, and made his way into the hospital.

His anxiety level went up a notch. His palms were sweaty and his heart was racing. He hated unfamiliar places. Crowds. Crazy enough, he was OK at music festivals, mostly because he could control who gets close and who can’t. He found his way to the Nurse’s station.

“Excuse me,” He queried.

“Yes? May I help you?” A nurse asked not even looking up from her station.

“I am looking for Aileen Mitchell. She was brought in a little bit ago,” Vince said, trying to keep his face averted, not wanting to be recognized.

The nurse looked up and asked, “Are you family?”

Vincent said with no hesitation, “Fiance.” He pretended to look down at his phone and not look the nurse in the eye.

She got a call, so she told him absently where her room was and answered her phone.

Vince found her room. He paused at the doorway, slipping off his stocking cap. She was hooked up to so many things.

“Vincent,” Eileen started, coming over placing a hand on his arm, “She is in a coma. Her back is bruised and swollen but the doctors don’t think it’s broken, though she may have temporary paralysis. Her arm is broken but amazingly enough her legs are not broken just terribly bruised. Overall she's not as bad off as someone less experience.”

Vince hugged Eileen and said, “Thank you for letting me be here.”

“Of course,” Eileen said, “She talks about you all the time. I think she loves you even though she has never said it.”

“I love her too. I just hadn’t found the right time to tell her,” his voice full of regret.

“Well, Scott and I will give you a few minutes. I need coffee. Can I bring you back some?”

“No. But thank you.” Vince found a chair and pulled it to the edge of the bed and found that her fingers were not bandaged, so he held them softly rubbing his thumb across the top of them.

“Och my fairy pixey, what am I supposed to do with you? Maybe I should lock you up. Keep you safe. And I'll play my music for you forever.” Vince paused to swallow back tears. Taking a deep breath he continued, “I love you Lassie. I should have told you sooner.” He pressed his forehead to her fingers, a loose tear falling on them.

Eileen made it back and sat down next to Vince.

“Where’s Scott?” Vince asked looking up from her hand.

“He went back to the ranch. He is going to take care of the removal of the dead horse and keep up with day to day.”

“Eileen,” Vince started, “I want to ask for your niece’s hand in marriage. I haven’t asked her yet but thought I would ask you first.”

“Are you sure? It’s usually for better or worse but looks like it will be for worse or better,” She said knowingly.

“Yes Ma’am. She is my fairy pixey. I caught her fair and square. She is so good for me. I haven’t had a nightmare since she came into my life," he said to Eileen, but was just staring at Aileen.

Eileen, intrigued asked, “Fairy Pixey? Fair and square?” She watched his expression to make sure he wasn’t a complete weirdo.

Vince turned to Eileen. “The first time I saw her dancing with Joe I thought she was a fairy. A pixey. A Fairy Pixey. It just all ran together in my head. She had that short white blonde hair, streaked with green and purple, like Scottish Thistle. I thought she was magical.” He looked from Eileen back to Aileen. “I played my music and she followed and found me. Turns out she was real.

Vince took a breath and went on, “Do you know one day I found her trespassing, hanging upside down alongside the wall outside my bathroom, hanging by one foot from the bathroom window. She just started laughing hysterically. I wanted to be stern with her, as I was not in the mood to have people around or have them in my life. I think I cracked a smile. I gave an inch, she stole my heart.”

"Sounds like Aileen," Eileen replied with a small chuckle.

Vince stopped talking. 

Eileen put a hand on his shoulder for comfort.

Together they sat there quietly each lost in their own thoughts of Aileen.

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